Claim Reviews/Claims Management
Claim Reviews/Claims Management can take various forms but are generally either due diligence reviews or a full technical inspection. In addition the experience Cranmore has allows Cranmore to provide management services for all classes of business.
Claim Reviews
With the extensive claims handling and review experience of the Cranmore team, a specific review of claims – whether paid or reserved and for all major classes of business – is a task that can easily be undertaken.
Such reviews enable clients to be comfortable with the collections and advices they are receiving and exposure to future development, without the necessity of undertaking a full inspection.
Claims Management
Through the detailed technical knowledge and experience of our staff, Cranmore is able to provide bespoke claims adjusting and management services for classes or sub-classes of claims – thereby relieving the need for an insurer or reinsurer to hire additional experienced staff to service and adjust these claims.
Cranmore can provide these services in respect of a discrete class of claims, a particular portfolio or provide extra resource during particularly busy periods such as following a major claim event. Cranmore have the skills and experience to assist a client in adjusting and managing specialist coverages and complex claims as well as the flexibility and geographical spread to quickly respond to a client’s needs.
Cranmore has conducted these assignments for a number of clients, covering a range of classes including APH Reinsurance, U.S. Construction Defect.