Allan has been involved in special projects related to the reinsurance industry since 1982. These projects include undertaking multiple audits and inspections (chiefly as team leader), negotiating commutations, conducting litigation support work, and serving as fact and expert witness in arbitrations. In addition, he has also conducted binding authority and Third Party Administrator/Managing General Agent reviews.
These audits, reviews, and multiple special projects has been undertaken in over 20 different countries on all six continents, and have addressed all classes and types of insurance and reinsurance.
In addition to his extensive project work, Allan is technical director of various run-off books of Assumed Reinsurance business, and also provides in-house technical training.
Job Summary
Commenced work for Commercial Union in South Africa, before moving to the UK, where he worked for C. T. Bowring, Jardine Thompson Graham and Ancon Insurance. He moved to Bermuda in 1987 to work for Walton Insurance, before joining a third-party consultancy firm in 1990. He was relocated to their London operation in 1993, and in 1999, joined Horizon Portfolio Management (Excess Insurance Company). In 2004, re-entered the consultancy field by joining Cranmore Adjusters Limited in their London office, and in 2006 he transferred to the United States, after which he was appointed as Vice President of Cranmore (US) Inc. in 2007.